Author: admini7


Penetration Testing në Agile Framework.

Penetration Testing në Agile Framework. Penetration Testing në Agile Testing Penetration Testing është praktika e testimit të një sistemi kompjuterik, rrjeti ose aplikacioni në internet për të identifikuar dobësitë e sigurisë që mund të shfrytëzohen nga një sulmues me qellime te keqija. Testimi i depërtimit mund të automatizohet me aplikacione softverike ose të kryhet manualisht….


Cyber Security Best Practices: Post COVID Remote Work

Cyber Security Best Practices: Post COVID Remote Work In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses and employers have begun to rely on their employees working primarily or even exclusively remotely.  As a result, many employees are utilizing either their own smartphones, tablets or laptops and other mobile devices or those provided by their…

Findbug News - Hacker News

Wiper Malware Called “Coronavirus” Spreads Among Windows Victims

Wiper Malware Called “Coronavirus” Spreads Among Windows Victims Like NotPetya, it overwrites the master boot record to render computers “trashed.” A new Windows malware has emerged that makes disks unusable by overwriting the master boot record (MBR). It takes its cue from the COVID-19 pandemic, calling itself simply “Coronavirus.” Overwriting the MBR is the same…