Category: Uncategorized


Penetration Testing në Agile Framework.

Penetration Testing në Agile Framework. Penetration Testing në Agile Testing Penetration Testing është praktika e testimit të një sistemi kompjuterik, rrjeti ose aplikacioni në internet për të identifikuar dobësitë e sigurisë që mund të shfrytëzohen nga një sulmues me qellime te keqija. Testimi i depërtimit mund të automatizohet me aplikacione softverike ose të kryhet manualisht….


6 Pyetje qe duhet t’i kerkoni para se te perzgjedhni kompanine per Penetration Testing

6 Pyetje qe duhet t’i kerkoni para se te perzgjedhni kompanine per Penetration Testing Kompanitë e shquara që bien viktima të hakerëve janë bërë shumë të zakonshme në lajme. Disa nga shkeljet më të mëdha të sigurisë përfshijnë kompromisin e mijëra informacioneve të klientëve. Padyshim jo lloji i shtypit që dëshironi, për të mos përmendur…


Cybersecurity And Your Passwords

Cybersecurity And Your Passwords What’s something that stands between you and a cybercriminal that’s in your full control? Your password. The world of password security is a tricky one because, in my experience, many of the best practices for password security are not at all practical and therefore rarely used. Considering all the accounts we…


Cybersecurity after COVID-19: Securing orgs against the new threat landscape

Cybersecurity after COVID-19: Securing orgs against the new threat landscape Picture this: An email comes through, offering new COVID-19 workplace safety protocols, and an employee, worn down by the events of the day or feeling anxious about their safety, clicks through. In a matter of seconds, the attacker enters the network. Factor in a sea of newly…


Top sulmet më të mëdha kibernetike në Kosovë 2020

Top sulmet më të mëdha kibernetike në Kosovë 2020 Rëndësia e sigurisë kibernetike për gjdo biznes ka peshën dhe vlerën e sajë. Mungesa e vetëdijësimit të bizneseve në Kosovë në fushën e sigurisë kibernetike në vitin 2020 ka sjellur sulme kibernetike të cilat kanë ndikuar në zbulimin e të dhënave personale të klientëve, llogarive bankare,…


Most cyber-security reports only focus on the cool threats

Most cyber-security reports only focus on the cool threats Academics: Only 82 of the 629 commercial cyber-security reports (13%) published in the last decade discuss a threat to civil society, with the rest focusing on cybercrime, nation-state hackers, economic espionage. The vast majority of reports published by the cyber-security industry focus on high-end economic espionage…


5 Questions Public Leaders Should Ask About Cybersecurity

5 Questions Public Leaders Should Ask About Cybersecurity Elected officials, agency heads and other government leaders need to understand their organizations’ challenges and issues. It’s the key to establishing a shared culture of security in a public organization. If you are a government information-security professional, one of the recurring conversations among you and your peers…


What cybersecurity teams can learn from COVID-19

What cybersecurity teams can learn from COVID-19 Nabil Hannan examines key similarities between medical and computer viruses that cybersecurity teams can use to keep businesses protected effectively. There’s a reason why a computer virus is called a “virus,” as they have many similarities to medical viruses. Notably, as medical viruses can have a severe impact…


Cyber Security Best Practices: Post COVID Remote Work

Cyber Security Best Practices: Post COVID Remote Work In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses and employers have begun to rely on their employees working primarily or even exclusively remotely.  As a result, many employees are utilizing either their own smartphones, tablets or laptops and other mobile devices or those provided by their…


How to Invest in Cybersecurity

How to Invest in Cybersecurity The threat of cyber-attacks on companies and individuals has ramped up exponentially in recent years. That’s good news for the businesses promising to provide protection. Cybersecurity has become one of the most important areas for companies to spend on in recent years. The theft of data or personal details, or…